Wednesday, November 30, 2011

transmit me just about autonomic fidgety system?

So much info on this subject, even on the web, lately for the googling.first answer is correct and fine but there are tons more it yourself and find out? Your question is far too broad. If you hold any specifics, ask me.
a med student,
The nervous system is divided into:
- the somatic like a cat on hot bricks system which controls organs under voluntary control;
- the autonomic tentative system which regulates homeostasis and individual organ function, and is not generally subject to voluntary control.
The autonomic afraid system is divided into two antagonistic sub-systems:
- the sympathetic nervous system, and
- and parasympathetic retiring system
Most organs are innervated by nerve fibre from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, beside opposing effects. e.g. the Vagus slows the heart rate, whereas the sympathetic nerves increase heart rate and contraction.

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