Wednesday, November 30, 2011

sucralfin's side effects?

what is sucralfin? Do you mean sucralfate, the medication used to treat gastric problems?
If so, this belongs to the group of medicines specified as chelates and complexes.
Sucralfate is used to treat certain conditions cause by too much acid one produced in the stomach, such as stomach ulcer (gastric ulcers) and ulcers of the upper constituent of the intestine (duodenal ulcers). It can also be used to prevent ulcers occurring.
Acid is produced essentially in the stomach to comfort digest food. Excessive amounts of acid can irritate the stomach inside layer, causing inflammation, ulcer and other conditions.
Sucralfate works by protecting the lining of the stomach, relieving misery and allowing the area to repair itself.
As economically as their useful effects adjectives medicines can grounds unwanted side effects. Speak to your doctor or pharmacist if any of the following side effects continue or become troublesome.
Constipation, diarrhoea, attitude sick, indigestion, stomach discomfort, a dry mouth, skin rashes, backbone pain, dizziness, headache or drowsiness.
If you experience any other worrying symptoms, which you think may be due to this drug, discuss them with your doctor or pharmacist.

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