Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The chemical dub and or diagram for Physalia Utriculus (blue bottle/man 'o time of war jellyfish) toxin?

I want to know the chemical composition for the venom of the Pacific man o' period of war jelly fish, common throughout the summer on Australia's east coast. The Portuguese man-o-war, Physalia physalis, inflicts extreme agony and causes several physiological effects, including paralysis and possible respiratory flop resulting in annihilation, although rare contained by humans. Its venom is also a protein, but it consists of huge amounts of glutamic acid, phopholipase A, and phospholipase B; and, it is a neurotoxin beside a possible direct myotoxic effect (Muscatine and Lenhoff 156)
Neurotoxin attacks the signalling mechanisms or the impertinence structure itself.
Myotoxic means that it attacks and degrade muscle tissue.
Glutamic acid is an acidified amino sour, phopholipase A and B are enzymes that cleave fatty acid residues. Hope this help.
far as i know i couldnt tell you

the best drug for dry coughs?

salbutamol as spray or syrup
try Mucinex or Delsym
Don't know but try this for other problem:
"Head ON - Apply directly to the head"
"Head ON - Apply directly to the head"
"Head ON - Apply directly to the head"
It's not a drug, but a spoonful of honey works well. Tastes like mad better too.
Another Ayurvedic treatment .
Just take a pinch (half teaspoonful) of brackish & turmeric & swallow it first & drink a mouthful of luke warm dampen after it .. last item in the darkness.. by morning u will be all OK/.
Any sort of cough tablets with "Dextromethoriphan" within the ingredients. Dextromethoriphan is a cough suppressant. I use it sometimes when I smoke too
salmetrol or salbutamol
Plenty of water, and if that does not work attach Robitussin, and if that does not work add Robitussin DM.
Avoid milk and sugar, as these promote phlem.
use guaifenesin ( and lots of water) to break up congestion, and use dextromethorophan to relieve the cough. products such as robitussin dm contain both. Also benzonate and hydrocodone are popular prescription cough relievers.
Robitussin DM.avoid cold drink,alcohol and cigarette.
Zinc lozenges

The best book to study radiology and EKG?

I am a medical sudent who will go into clinic soon. I want to buy some books for radiology and EKG, so that I can build up strong foundation contained by radiology and EKG. Could any one suggest some books for me?
Thanks! I use ECG Made Easy and I personally conjecture it's a pretty good book. not too complicated but not sparse on information you obligation either :)
For EKG, the book call Dubin, and for radiology, I studied with one wirtten by R. A. Novelline.

the best appetite suppressant drug and diet pill available within india?

i`d prefer not so expensive drugs usually people within india use a number of herbal teas, which own no hormonal effect and are at the same time diet suppressing.if u want pills consequently they are categorised into two groups –
ones that suppress hunger, and others that reduce heavy
absorption. The first – chemical dub sibutramine, sold
under brand name Obestat, Sibutrex, Sibutrim and Slenfig
– work by interfering with chemical messages surrounded by the
central timid system so as to produce a feeling of
fullness. The other pills, available beneath the brand name
Xenical (chemical given name orlistat), decrease digestion of
fat by give or take a few 30 per cent. While sibutramine pills are
freely available in India, Xenical can be bought on the
Internet or at select chemical shop.i do not know more names as my memoir suggests only these.
I also suggest that if u r a teen / not too obese later try diet management and exercising bcos u don't involve pills then.Dieting doesn,t meen adjectives.start with not fully padding urself at each suppertime and follow an active regime..alternatives to dieting is exercising, its difficult but other is the best way.
do not know if it is available contained by India, but try Topamax.
Yahoo search, drugs from India.. Best of luck

the auditory tube taking going on for the digestive system open through the wall of the?

the hole is the eustachian tube that opens into the nasopharynx.

the antigens of the ABO blood group are located surrounded by the?

On the plasma membrane of the red blood cell (that's what the others said, and they're right).
There is also a gene that some people get that code for free A and B antigens in body fluids. These folks are called secretors, and the gene is dominant.
For example, I am a secretor. I own determined my blood type by adding antibodies to my saliva, as resourcefully as by traditional blood tests.
bed membrane of RBCs
on the red cell membrane
Karl Landsteiner observed ABO blood grouping in humans. The blood groups A, B, and AB are characterized by the presence of antigens on the surface of red blood cell.'O' blood is with out antigens on the surface of RBC. These are below the control of a gene located on chromosome nine in the human mortal.

Termination of pregnancy - potassium chloride injection?

Based on the RCOG guidelines (Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology), at what gestational age is the injection of potassium chloride into the fetal heart recommended prior to induction of labour?
I don't want any pro-choice, anti-abortion answers, I'm not pregnant, and I'm anti-abortion myself. But I'm a medical student near final exams in a few days, and I necessitate to know - some places I've read 21 weeks, others 22 weeks.
Thanks for your help. For adjectives terminations at gestational age of more than 21 weeks and 6 days,the method chosen should ensure that the fetus is born dead. Inter-cardiac potassium chloride is the recommended method and the dose chosen should ensure that the fetal asystole have been achieve. It should be confirmed by observing the fetal heart by an ultrasound scan for 5 minutes. Additionally it is mandatory to confirm asystole by ultrasound scan 30-60 minutes AFTER the procedure and plainly before the tolerant leaves the hospital.
I thought the limit be 24 weeks?
u should be thinking about abort your baby - specifically cruel to do that.the baby didn't ask to be born.
It's used typically from 19-24 weeks on.

let somebody know what will be permitted and rejected contained by a fastidious blood type?

Basically someone with blood type O is a global doner, and someone with AB is a total recipient. Here's a underlying chart-thing to help sort it adjectives out. A fuller description can be found in the contact I provided. I hope this helps. This is using the RBC compatiblility table.
A+ blood type accept A+, A-, O+, O-
A- blood type accepts A-, O-
B+ blood type accept B+, B-, O+, O-
B- blood type accepts O-, B-
AB+ blood type accept any blood type
AB- blood type accepts A-, B-, AB-, O-
O+ blood type accept O+, O-
O- blood type accepts lone O-
O gives to anyone, can solely receive from O
A can give support and forth with A, and can tender to AB but cannot receive fromAB
B can give backbone and forth with B, and can distribute to AB but cannot receive from AB
AB can give to AB and receive from A or B
glum Rh can give to denial or postive
positive Rh can give solely to positive

Tell me what you know.?

What's the most interesting and valuable piece that you know? One simple word: God!
I know that the bright light surrounded by this room is making me sweat, but I'll tell you..I'll put in the picture you what I know god dammit..The map to the sunken treasure chest that's worth an estimated three billion dollars in gold ingots bullion is hidden underneath the wooden planks of a tiki hut on a tiny little island off the coast of the Florida key. The last specified survivor to possess this map never got the arbitrariness to use the map since he forgot to take it beside him when they got rescued from this desert island his describe was Gilligan. The rest of the story have been grape vined along throughout the years but fairy tale has it. that he who possesses the map shall inherit the dust!
Our individual happiness comes from inwardly.not from another person. Your husband/boyfriend, kids, friends, parents.while they adjectives can enhance your happiness, they are not responsible for it. If a being around you makes you get the impression bad just about yourself or feel desperate for those around you, then they must be dismissed from your vivacity. I finally found true happiness, it took me 35 years to numeral that out. It opened my eyes to my enemy and opend my eyes to those that love me.
Curiosity is the fuel that drives us to know.
The most interesting thing I know, is scarcely the most valuable. I know that the sun shines and that I involve to breathe to live.. that is the most dear. I know that I do not have a clue what my adjectives holds. That is the most interesting.
The gospel of Jesus Christ

let somebody know me ways to use up immensity and going on for bmi?

Weight reduction does not require a "diet" but smarter choices contained by food & drink. Exercise is an intregal component to any fitness program. BMI is the amount of body fat you enjoy in relationship to you loftiness and weight. I suggest any Weight Watchers or the Mayo Clinic for healthful life change that, if followed, will become a natural opening of life a bit than a quick bulk loss plan that will almost always go amiss.
the best way to use up weight healthily is by exercise and a low-sugar, low-fat diet. low-carb diets may minister to you lose weight, but it is first and foremost a reduction of muscle a bit than fat, and the excess protein puts strain on the liver.
here's some info in the order of bmi:
chalk down ur diet chart acc to ur Bmi .. so calculate ur Bmi(body mass index )== wt within kgs /ht in meter square ,dat calculate ur bmi , reading .18 to 23 =normal ,23 to 28 =over-wt.,28 to 33=obese,more than 33 morbid obese..So plan a diet chart .. if u wanna loose wt . .. go for more proteins and carbohydrates -non fried .drink lots of wet , fruits , salads .Foods that contain protein are : pulses ,boiled eggs ..etc chk the search engine for vigorous recipes ..
Despite millions of diet books sold on the subject, near is one simple answer. Calories in versus calories out. In short - munch through less, excercise more. BMI is simply rank over weight, and is an index of corpulence.
BMI is simply an index to assess how fat (obese) someone is. Ways to decline weight: devour less, exercise more.
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  • let somebody know me worthy yahoo groups 4 a pharmacist:?

    including pharmacolgy assays ,news in the order of new drugs ,etc. I don't know of any stale hand . but If I be looking I'd type "pharmacist" Into the search on the Yahoo Group page.
    I don't know much something like yahoo groups but I recommend the site:
    It has most of what you're looking for
    Hope this help n_n

    Tell me adjectives you know around the college experience. classes, dorm, money, etc.?

    i hate collage.Thats adjectives i know
    Classes: You won't go to them
    Dorm: You won't disappear it
    Money: You won't have it
    Anything else? (Use protection STDs are a bummer)
    beer, boobs, a donkey on spring break, beer, distilling vodka, something more or less triple integrals, beer
    somebody saying "Son, butter drunk and stupid is no way to budge through life."
    FAFSA. In community college I don't compensate the unit fees because of it. I'm not sure how works contained by a four year college, but I'm about the find out.
    Pretty enlarge question.
    There are profusely of better college answers if you can narrow it down a bit.
    What i've found is that if you do your homework, ask question when you are lost (early on, I can't stress that enought), and get plenty sleep, it's a breeze, the best time of your life.
    Lacking any of these, you'll grasp overwhelmed quickly and enjoy nothing to maintain your spirits up except complainig about your teacher with other lost students.
    Money problems.. that's a intact other barrel of monkeys.
    Best suggestion, do the FAFSA now, do it online, and give the name the toll number if you are at all confused. Also team up fastweb, and use the resources page a BUNCH.

    describe me roughly MSA?

    Well, since you asked this under medical, I will assume you close-fisted MSA acrnym for:
    Multisystem atrophy (MSA) is a group of rare, multisystem degenerative diseases that own several clinical features of Parkinsons and are sometimes referred to as the "Parkinsonism-plus syndromes." When MSA was first identified contained by 1960 it was name "Shy-Drager Syndrome" after the two physicians who first described its symptoms. Now, Shy-Drager Syndrome is recognized as single one of three manifestations of multisystem atrophy. The other two are Striatonigral Degeneration and Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy (OPCA). The three are lumped together as MSA because of their clinical overlap and neuroanatomical similiarities.
    Multisystem atrophy have three cardinal features:
    * Parkinsonism (see Parkinsons)
    * Autonomic failure (including orthostatic hypotension, erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence or retention)
    * Cerebellar ataxia (failure of muscular coordination)
    My grandmother have Shy-Drager, is 85 years old. Also have dementia, it may come with it, not a soul really knows for sue. It also usually comes near depression, annoying behaviors, or is that just my grandma?
    I hope you don't enjoy it.
    Just a note: If a individual has Shy Drager here are tricks with the dizziness problem. WHen the dizziness starts find to a chair. Drink caffiene, lofty salt items resembling popcorn or slaty boullion. THis remedies it fast. There are pills for the blood pressure (to hold on to it up) but they have side effects.
    Mine Safety Associates. Manufacturer of respiratory products.

    notify me more or less leonardo Fibonacci?

    Leonardo Fibonacci was born within Pisa, Italy, around 1175. His father was Guilielmo Bonacci, a secretary of the Republic of Pisa.His father be also a customs officer for the North African city of Bugia. Some time after 1192. Bonacci brought his son with him to Bugia.Guilielmo looked-for for Leonardo to become a merchant and so arranged for his instruction in calculational technique, escpecially those involving the Hindu - Arabic numerals which had not even so been introduced into Europe.Since Fibonacci be the son of a merchant, he was competent go travel freely adjectives over the Byzantine Empire. Merchants at the time were immuned, so they be allowed to move about freely. This allowed him to call round many of the area's centers of trade. While he be there, he be able to swot both the mathematics of the scholar and the calculating schemes within popular use, at the time.
    no such person.its leonardo fibonacci is a ancient cenutury mathematician know for the "fibbonacci sequence" .google it
    my god only just type it in yahoo

    Tell me roughly speaking Lactulose please?

    How does lactulose work when used in hyperammonaemic coma?
    We have need of to know how lactulose reduces Blood Ammonia concentration. Please quote source.if you are a graduate.permit us know your degree. Thanks!
    lately fyi, we are also looking, we want to know what you think! lactulose loss of face by gut normal flora creates an sour PH that inhibits NH3 absorption by conversion to NH4+ . then again it enhances diffusion of NH3 from the blood stream to the gut and entraping it as NH4+.
    Clinical Pharmacist
    it hals on l lin lit

    explain to me roughly jean claude chermann please?

    biography About Jean-Claude Chermann
    A pioneer in the study of retroviruses, he have been involved surrounded by many aspects of HIV research since he collaborated within the first isolation and characterization of the virus. He is currently Research & Development Director of URRMA R&D, Aubagne, France. URRMA R&D is a wholly owned subsidiary of URRMA Biopharma Inc., an emergent international company formed contained by June 1999 to develop and commercialize innovative HIV diagnostics and treatments that relate to anti-R7V technology.
    Address correspondence to: urrma@urrma.

    transmit me just about autonomic fidgety system?

    So much info on this subject, even on the web, lately for the googling.first answer is correct and fine but there are tons more it yourself and find out? Your question is far too broad. If you hold any specifics, ask me.
    a med student,
    The nervous system is divided into:
    - the somatic like a cat on hot bricks system which controls organs under voluntary control;
    - the autonomic tentative system which regulates homeostasis and individual organ function, and is not generally subject to voluntary control.
    The autonomic afraid system is divided into two antagonistic sub-systems:
    - the sympathetic nervous system, and
    - and parasympathetic retiring system
    Most organs are innervated by nerve fibre from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, beside opposing effects. e.g. the Vagus slows the heart rate, whereas the sympathetic nerves increase heart rate and contraction.

    Tell me .?

    Does Post-Katrina Mold Threatens Health in New Orleans ? Apparently so:
    "An environmental group say that mold spore counts are four times normal level in some areas of New Orleans contained by the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and warning residents to wear mask and protective clothing may not be enough.
    The Natural Resources Defense Council said their test show mold spores at "extraordinarily high" levels which could efficiently trigger serious allergic or asthmatic reactions.
    The most adjectives symptoms associated with exposure to lasting molds include the following: Nasal stuffiness, Eye irritation, Wheezing, Aggravation of asthma, Cold/flu like symptoms, Rashes, Fever, Shortness of breath, Inability to concentrate, Fatigue & Sometimes lung infections"

    Tegretal, If you are taking chewables are near any bleak effects from only swallowing the pills?

    My friend is afraid if she just swallows these chewables she will hold major stomach problems. It shouldn't reall concern. It'll all find broken down anyway. I believe previously that the FDA had different guidelines for the dissolution of chewable tablets and that it would enjoy made a difference, but I believe that they have changed that and they enjoy to be the same as direct release. But I agree next to RaeRae; why buy chewables to just swallow them?
    I don't surmise so..but what is the point of buying chewable is she is just gonna swallow them??

    Technically speaking, why can't someone travel hungry within the desert?

    This is an old ploy and this answer comes from an old man: Because of adjectives the sandwich's there {sand which is there}
    because the run thirsty
    because they will die of dehydration long before starvation kick in
    Because sand (while have no nutritional value) is edible if you hold something to wash it down beside.
    I don't see why the can't go hungry. On the other appendage, they're probably more thirsty than hungry, but in time, both drought of eating need of drinking water will manufacture you die. Have a nice day.
    you'll die of thirst in the past you die of hunger
    Human body can survive for many days lacking food but only a maximum of 3 days lacking water.
    If you find a river source, you'll probally find food.
    St. Guido is right. Remember the rule of threes: Three minutes without nouns, three days without hose and three weeks without food.
    Becase they must get through the first and second course before they capture to the desert? :)
    They could, only if they be to find a source of water/fluid to drink and set back dehydration.
    Dehydration shows signs much previously starvation.
    I am just wondering if it is possible to starve within the dessert. It is entirely possible to have a huge supply of hose with you but no food. But specifically only if you planned to be surrounded by the desert for a period of 2-3 weeks and have an almost unlimited supply of water and shelter from warmth stroke. Otherwise unless you actually tried terrifically hard you would first die of dehydration, or if you have water, fry stroke.
    Uhhh.they would go thirsty first?
    because they turn to the nearest AMPM. and get a hot dog.
    r u sure?
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  • troop of opthalmologists whose medical equipments are inside a airplane?

    ORBIS' Flying High Hospital
    They're "sky high eye guys!" haha!
    whats the interrogate? oh well. thanx 4 my 2 points! =D

    Taking Zoloft near the following vitamins?

    I am going to take an SSRI call Zoloft.
    I was wondering, if it is okay (or safe) to cart either 5-htp or Vitamin B complexes (Vitamin 1,3,. 12, etc) or L-Tryptophan.
    Can I lift them all together, or should I hold one of them, or should I just rob nothing except the Zoloft?
    I choice to do so because I want to make my serotonin making rich.
    thankx Make sure to ask your pharmacist subsequent time you pick up your script. They appear to get the head up on med interactions before the docs do. Have you be on Zoloft awhile yet? If you are only starting , ease into the vitamins since SSRIs can end in your stomach to feel a bit queasy . I don't assume it could hurt you, maybe of late make you be aware of nauseous at first if you are basically starting out. I personally would acquire used to the Zoloft first and then slowly append any vitamins in. GL!
    I've never hear of Zoloft being at risk for mixing beside vitamins, but if you are concerned, the prescription always comes next to a sheet that says what possible gloomy interactions there might be near any drug.
    Your Doctor, or if for some reason you do not trust this Doctor, another Doctor should be the just one to answer this question.

    T cell History..??

    Who discovered Natural killer T cell? In layman's terms what are the purpose of these specific cell? Human Treg Cells,,regulatory T lymphocytes (Treg cells) are recent discoveries in the greater than 50-year-old poke about for mechanisms of immunological tolerance to self. Although Treg cell were originally identified over ten years ago, they are still mortal characterized. The various types of regulatory T cell may not be mutually exclusive, and the interrelationships between them are not yet clearly defined. Induced regulatory T cell (eg. Th3 and Tr1) have also be described. Knowledge of the immunosuppressive mechanisms used by regulatory T cell may provide the basis for exotic clinical protocols to attenuate autoimmune disease and transplant rejection and to promote resistance to tumors and parasites.
    As for who discovered them, I am not sure. But recent research from the laboratories of Barbara Fazekas DE St. Groth (Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology, Sydney, Australia) and Jeffrey Bluestone enjoy provided many piece to this puzzle.
    their fundamental function is to identify foriegn antigen n kill cell laden beside it .

    SUV drivers, since your vehicle burn more & pollute more do you find cancer over-rated?

    You shouldn't go after us who OWN SUV's, you should turn after the ones who approve them to be on the road. That's resembling going after the person who buys the drugs instead of the drug DEALER!
    Hmmmm. I'll bet you don't spend your winters contained by Northern Minnesota like some SUV drivers. I'll also bet you live surrounded by Southern California, which is a desert but for the water you steal from the Colorado river.
    I bet you love the smell of your own farts to.
    I hold a SUV and it gets 27 mpg, better than most cars.
    I enjoy driven a very big one but I needed it to benevolent about 250lb of equipment and 4 to 6 family. I can not get within a compact car.

    surgical Technology?

    Can anyone tell me what is the best instrument to study for the certification of surgical technology interview? I am to take it soon, and terrified all to hell. How tricky is it? Everyone studies differently. If you do not pass.newly take it again. I would assume that you get through some kind of a class or be precise the hard sector! Chill out.relax. I finished nursing school contained by July and took the State Board exam in February..and never open the book! I worked, gained comprehension from my job and purely did it! I passed.and never looked back! I saw girls lately freak out and they became their own worst rival!
    hard man concrete,.. good luck

    Surgery details - what is difference between ligation versus clipping?

    I don't understand the difference between ligation and clipping. I guess ligation is tying and clipping is adjectives. But for a regular cholecystectomy, my notes right to be heard to ligate the cystic artery and duct, but for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, they say to clip the artery and duct. Why the difference? I judge if I understood those expressions it would help! Or I don`t know my notes are not accurate. It be hard to find info/definitions online. Piece of cake.
    You're right, ligation mechanism tying something off, usually a vessel or duct.
    Clipping: In laparoscopic surgery it is MUCH faster, somewhat easier (and, as you would expect, more expensive) to use clips (endoclips) instead of ligating. Clips are usually "V-shaped" or "U-shaped" pieces of metal (titanium) that are crimped around a duct thus doing the same as ligating.
    Usually we put 3 clips on both the cystic duct and cystic artery - one clip close to the brio bladder, two clips distal to the gallbladder and cut between the distal and proximal clips.
    Clipping is not cutting surrounded by this case. That would clear a big mess.
    clip·ping (klpng)
    1. Something cut off or out, especially an item clipped from a weekly or magazine.
    2. Seeli·ga·tion (l-gshn)
    a. The act of binding or of applying a ligature.
    b. The state of person bound.
    2. Something that binds; a ligature clipped form.

    Surgery art contained by training?

    im a college freshman is there anything that i can do at this time to prepare for a occupation in surgery? Excercises to strengthen booklet dexterity? Interesting. That's my problem too before I stir to medschool.
    As of today, you have nought much to do! Skill training starts on actual operating table. But to be a good surgeon, you have need of to be expert on human anatomy.So start browsing on anatomy books and atlas.
    I can think of a few.none that I can vote here.but if I drag this out long enough, I'm hoping you can get hold of the hint that It's something you can do near your fingers, to strengthen them and be able to control them better.something you can do influence well ok.
    Get used to three hours of sleep per dark, and see you in twelve years when your thru next to your residency and fellowship do they prepare you surgery methods?

    I am serious. How do they teach you in actuality cutting into someone's flesh, removing organs/tumors and sewing them up again CORRECTLY? By the channel, if you are a surgeon, you are pretty amazing! They throw you into the fire and have you do things little by little. You keep under surveillance a surgeon do it and you are expected to do it the next time. You also read more or less techniques contained by books, but the way a surgeon become a surgeon is by experiece in the operating room.


    If i eat a 10miligrams of magnesium powder everyday, will I die?
    If I`m correct, humans necessitate 10 miligrams of Magnesium each hours of daylight.
    I do not want to buy supplements which contains Magnesium and eat Magnesium powder instead. will it be treacherous? The RDA [Recommended Dietary Allowance] for Magnesium is 300-400mg/day. The UL [upper intake level] is 1000/ml per day. That money that you can safely help yourself to up to 1000 mg without the risk of toxicity.
    So, help yourself to a powder or supplement if you want. My nutrition teacher would enjoy said, "Just eat foods beside magnesium". If you have a capably balanced diet, you wont own to worrie.

    Sudafed give me animation and make me content. Can I nick it long residence?

    I had a cold and took sudafed and it give me more energy and made me get the impression happier - more chipper.
    Is there any purpose I shouldn't continue to appropriate it? Could it possibly be any worse than people who smoke and drink everyday?
    Maybe it wouldn't be deleterious at all?
    David_Bowie_Strikes_Thrice Sudafed give u energy bcuz of a well turned-out (but controversial) substance in it call ephedrine. since ephedrine (aka pseudoephedrine) is used to make amphetamines (speed), it doesn't clutch a genius to digit out that there will be side effects. these side effects include renunciation, irritability, tremors, as well as dependency. it have been agreed to cause heart attacks as in good health. hope this helps.
    I suggest it is harmful to your liver if you nick it long term.
    That is an addiction.Cigarettes produce indistinguishable effect. Take vitamins, they're healthier.
    It is deadly long term, as I have a friend who was taking it and get very sick.
    the more you use it, the more you will entail to obtain alike feeling..
    and remember, it is the fundamental active ingredient contained by streeet meth..
    you dont want your life to turn out similar to that, do you?
    Consult your doctor.
    I dunno! But according to some experts all medication have some open-handed of long term side effect. I don't believe that sudafed is unfavourable to your live though. Most drugs that are harmful to your liver are cholestoral drugs. Ask your doctor would be the best bet.
    Yeah, it give you a pep, but I don't know why it would make you discern "happy". You know the Cheryl Crow song - If It Makes You Happy (it can't be that bad). I don't know if it's harmful or not, freshly ask a doctor.
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  • sucralfin's side effects?

    what is sucralfin? Do you mean sucralfate, the medication used to treat gastric problems?
    If so, this belongs to the group of medicines specified as chelates and complexes.
    Sucralfate is used to treat certain conditions cause by too much acid one produced in the stomach, such as stomach ulcer (gastric ulcers) and ulcers of the upper constituent of the intestine (duodenal ulcers). It can also be used to prevent ulcers occurring.
    Acid is produced essentially in the stomach to comfort digest food. Excessive amounts of acid can irritate the stomach inside layer, causing inflammation, ulcer and other conditions.
    Sucralfate works by protecting the lining of the stomach, relieving misery and allowing the area to repair itself.
    As economically as their useful effects adjectives medicines can grounds unwanted side effects. Speak to your doctor or pharmacist if any of the following side effects continue or become troublesome.
    Constipation, diarrhoea, attitude sick, indigestion, stomach discomfort, a dry mouth, skin rashes, backbone pain, dizziness, headache or drowsiness.
    If you experience any other worrying symptoms, which you think may be due to this drug, discuss them with your doctor or pharmacist.

    subutex, can anyone answer how hurried to taper?

    i am stopping subutex and need to find out how hurriedly to taper off.. Let your doctor, who prescribes it for you, wish how much to reduce it by and when.
    I agree. This is a controlled substance near the potential for significant withdrawal side effects, and the thinning regime needs to be designed specifically for you, by a doctor next to specific training in this medication. Different nation will have different dose requirements, metabolism, and tolerance, and it isn't possible to right to be heard over the 'net what's right for you.

    study within finland?

    study in finland its great!

    Studdenfadden requirements to know, does this look infected?

    .a yeast infection.?
    eww :-p
    I believe so. Get it checked out immediately.
    Being a registered nurse I would speak yeah why not!
    yes get it amputated right away
    probably and dont chat in third personality, makes you look really stupid.
    Yuppers. Rub some dirt on it and it will bring back all better.

    stroke rehabilitation?

    Woman weighs 150 lb, is 5ft 2 inches. Had right brain blood clot and is paralyzed on disappeared side. Need all information for her attention at home. Anyone know of the best rehabilitation hospitals in USA ? Suppliers for medical building requests like ramp and new bathroom for the disabled Recovery or partial retrieval of movement is possible. Consult a Physiatrist (not a psychiatrist). This specialist works with the physical movements of the body.
    check near your local Area on Aging for a list of medical suppliers surrounded by your area.
    Rancho Los Amigos is a virtuous place for physical rehabilitation.

    Strange and revealing grill: Why does my trunk sweat and other stuff crop up when I'm around citrus?

    Along with my muzzle sweating my, um.nipples get easier said than done. These two seem to be the with the sole purpose symptoms. This isn't meant to be sexual its only I haven't been competent to get an answer to this. This happen when I'm around citrus. Mostly those fruit tootsie rolls, starburst candies, or skittles. Sometimes an actual orange can do it, if it's adjectives enough. Serious answers lone please. You have an criticism to citrus that is stimulating your sympathetic over-sensitive system. Citrus and tomatoes are common activators of unusual allergic reaction, which can include panic, depression, passion, etc- If you pay close attention, you may find that your mouth get dry, your heart beats somewhat faster, and you feel uneasy or worried-those are also sympathetic responses.
    Well the simply thing that I could possibly estimate is that you are probably allergic to citrus

    Store at room Temperature?

    What exactly is the temperature to "store at room temperature" for tablets? When medication comes with that sticky label it basically finances that you can store it in the cupboard. This is dead set against some medications that entail to be kept in the refrigirator. Usually a overcast, dry place offers the best spot for medication (so bathroom are in actuality not the best place for them since it's generally tremendously moist). You should also keep away from hot temperature such as in direct sunlight, within the glove box of cars in summer and such.
    Hope this help.
    65 to 80 degrees
    75 F is considered room warmth.
    Usually that means between 60 and 80 degree Fahrenheit.
    Laboratory standard for room temperature
    21–23 Celsius
    69-73 Fahrenheit
    Room warmth is generally reguarded to be 70 degree F
    Room Tempature meaning between 60F and 80F.
    25 deg C
    The heat of a room in spring/fall, mostly 65 degrees, but it probably change depending on what climate you're in.
    i suppose that means a heat you can fill virtuous your self that means you don't have need of to keep that produce surrounded by frigged and don't keep it within sun or very illustrious temperature
    preferably within the 70's but there is a space.
    hmm by cambridge examination room temp is given at 25 amount celsius.. while standrd temp is given at 0 degree celsius
    Read the sticky label. If it says store at room heat it invariably carries that information. Or you can give the name your pharmacist.

    sterile surgical catgut?

    What is sterile surgical catgut?, how it is made, raw materials, its uses, etc. Sterile surgical catgut is made from purified strands of collagen from cow intestines. They are used when an absorbable suture is needed. Other things enjoy been made of catgut, similar to strings for violins, but the material be taken from sheep intestines. I don't know how cats got involved contained by the word unless it just sounded appropriate to someone.
    More detail as to its surgical applications can be found in the Wikipedia join below.
    It's what's used to sew lacerations next to..sutures ( stictiches ).
    This is a misnomer. Suture material is immediately made of a variety of absorbable or non absorbable synthetic things.
    True catgut has not be used in a long time.

    step 1 usmle score?

    i want to go into emergency pills. what are competive scores for the step one to grain pretty comfortable in applying for programs contained by e.m. (if it makes a difference, i am thinking just about applying in the midwest- minneapolis's hcmc as number 1). 220+
    The best bearing to get information is by calling them and getting the information directly from them, trust me, thats the method you want those kinds of informaton.
    I cogitate if you get an interview consequently the interview itself is what really can see some of the question asked in the interview within these sites : ( )
    (www.residencyinterviewsecrets. )
    and even if you didnt get a apt score you can build more likelihood by doing an observership or attachment to a hospital in the usa or even travel to any hospital were they enjoy research and be a volunteer. that would really give you some well brought-up chances even next to a low score.

    Stem cell research?

    What can this procedure do? Can it repair birth defects (e.g. missing nose)? Can it make available you 20/10 vision? Stem cell are basically undifferentiated cell that can produce cells of tons different tissue types (in the case of embryonic stem cell, essentially _any_ type of tissue). Research on stem cells would eventually head scientists to the ability to (theoretically) replace any sick, dog-eared, or otherwise defective tissue they wanted, or replace functional tissue next to similar tissue of improved function. So yes, stem cell research could head to procedures that would repair birth defects or enhance trance, as well as copious, many other things.
    Incidentally, stem cell research is not matching thing as cloning, and does not involve creating complete human beings within a laboratory setting.
    All of the above and more.
    it is forbidden in some country, deeply it can grow a full human being by that, but not supperior than the master copy. by gene
    I do research for my university.
    have a feeling free to mail me on specific and concrete question.
    your question can be solved on a investigate engine.
    Please see the webpages for more details on Stem cell research.
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  • Stem Cell Research surrounded by Adults?

    have read lots articles on the Adult Stem cell
    research therapy. And regard by many scientists
    to be potentially far superior to that of embryonic.
    1. Adult stem cell do not cause
    immunologic reaction because
    they come from the patients own body
    Serious problems have hold been documented
    contained by embryonic stem cells because of this factor.
    2. Adult stem cell do not become tumors,
    in lots cases embryonic stem cells enjoy
    become tumors
    3. Adult stem cells can differentiate
    only just as much as embryonic stem cells
    4. Adult stem cell can be taken from
    a living donor , or the persons own body
    5. Adult stem cell transplantation have
    been reported successful by frequent
    doctors and scientists and for
    many disease conditions
    6. They are developing therapy to
    cause adults to increase their own production.
    Below are some websites dealing next to this
    Thoughts are welcome after information
    is read. I'm adjectives for it. I think this is the answer to curing several diseases
    Please read the following article by the National Institutes of Health. According to the NIH, "adult stem cell are generally controlled to differentiating into different cell types of their tissue of origin. Another problem is that it is difficult to grow full-grown stem cells contained by culture, and thus making it impossible to use adult stem cell for stem cell therapies. Adult stem cell is really not superior.

    Stem Cell reseach?

    Do you support Stem Cell reseach Yes. Absolutely. It's amazing research that needs to be focused upon!
    We can do this wisely WITHOUT creating a marketplace that encourage abortion. Of course that would be horrible!
    Currently the most useful stem cell are coming from the placenta and umbilical cords anyway! No dead infant necessary.
    This could be a big cure for abundantly of suffering.
    Yes, there is no injure in it.
    Well If it is to back people find better then i am adjectives for it. Although out of all the money culture have donated to find cures for cancer etc. and not gotten anywhere i doubt they will bring back anywhere with stem cell research. I feel they are just wasting our money on other things and saw they are working on medical miracles because they know that it is something that takes a while to research on. Get what i expect?
    yes its science not religion. those two should be kept seperate
    I do research at the san jose stem cell bank within costa rica.
    Yes. i wish i could bring a job at stem cell research.
    i donated my son's cord blood for research.. does it count as support?

    STD or ingrown hair??

    please help me someone contained by medical field! i dont shave my genital nouns.but i do pluck it.i know its weird but ive done it since i be younger because i dont like stubble.i be scared it be an STD but have gotten checked and they told me it be not an STD.what can i do to get rid of this mess? If i start out it alone it stayes there, it have actually turned for a while hard to pop.please relief me ASAP See a Gynecologist.
    That's only a sound out you can answer! I don't think anyone on here be sitting next to you while you be doing your nasty article! Might want to reconsider your option if you show this much fear! Try a dermatologist if it turns out to be the next!
    1. Stop plucking your hair >.>
    2. Give it a month or so.

    state the major steps contained by the digestion of proteins as the food PASES THRu different parts of alimentary waterway?

    no action
    Renin act upon Caesin and converts it to Paracaesin
    Pepsinogen is acted upon by HCl and gets converted to pepsin
    proteins are acted upon by pepsin and get converted to Proteoses + Peptones.
    Small in testine
    i)Bile - no bustle
    trypsinogen is acted upon by enterokinase and gets conv. to trypsin
    proteins are acted upon byb trypsin and grasp conv. to proteoses + peptones
    chymotrypsinogen is acted upon by trypsin and gets conv. to chymotrypsin
    procarboxypeptidase is acted upon by trypsin and get conv. to carboxypepyidase
    Proteins and Proteoses and Peptones} all acted upon by Chymotrypsin/Carboxypeptidase(. to the reactant acted upon) and win conv. to Dipeptides.
    iii)Dipeptides are acted upon by dipeptidases and get conv. to amino acids
    This completes the digestion of proteins contained by the alimentary canal.
    In stomach
    proteins------->metaproteins(i. da presence of pepsin)
    metaproteins--->primary proteoses
    pri. proteoses--->sec. proteoses
    In duodenum
    peptones---->polypeptides n dipeptides(in da pr. of caboxypeptidase n aminopeptidase)
    In ilaeum
    polypeptide--->dipeptides(in da pr. ov polypeptidase)
    dipeptidase--->amino acids(in da pr. ov dipeptidase)

    Starting next to a facade, where on earth will transplants closing stages?

    Are there different ethical considerations dependent on the section of the body being transplanted? Will society adopt some transplants and not others? Will a brain transplant require an IQ test of the cadaver? Will a foot transplant own to take into article the recipient's wardrobe? I should think that any transplant that save lives would be perfectly adjectives, to the majority of people, but as for a brain transplant, i myself, instinctively don't think this will surface, the implications, and the complications, are far too much to comprehend. Good interview though.
    Personally think that transplanting anything except the brain can individual be a good thing- the brain would engender you a whole different character.

    stanford medschool admission. read details below.?

    ok. I went to the stanford med college website and found a fabulous page that had adjectives the stats about how various people be admitted from enduring colleges. for example , it had davis 105 ppl year 2001 or something similar to that .. I can't find that page again.. can anyone help me find it? pleeeeeeassseeee? Here it go..

    sinking lower than eyes?

    is there any cure to crawl sinking under eyes As we age, our collagen production slows and we loose the elasticity contained by our skin. The area below our eyes is usually thin and more fragile than other areas of our face. It is important that when applying creams you do so by dab the cream into the area below your eyes and not rubbing it in, since this will stretch the skin more and produce even more sagging. However, near are collagen and hyaluronic acid base eye creams that if applied daily, will sustain stimulate your body's own collagen production again and help to teem in the hallowness underneath your eyes. Microdermabrasion is a gentle exfoliating procedure that also help to plump up the cells that own flattened out over time, and can be done in most plastic surgeons office for reasonable fees. Try to avoid light of day spas for this type of procedure since they cannot offer you the best choices of skin support products and treatments available. Most plastic surgeons only get "By prescription only" products that actually work! Getting plenty of rest and consumption well will also benefit your skins overall appearance. Good luck.
    Drywall spackle.
    Don't forget to prime beforehand you paint.
    From what I understand, in that is some type of cosmetic filler used for aids patients. I don't see why non-aids paitents couldn't have the procedure done. You know what help? Believe it or not, pumping up the cheeks a bit. Restylane, collegen, etc., I have read, can do this.
    Clearasil help with plenty. especially the tinted cream, as it works as a foundation as well (makeup).