Wednesday, November 30, 2011

notify me more or less leonardo Fibonacci?

Leonardo Fibonacci was born within Pisa, Italy, around 1175. His father was Guilielmo Bonacci, a secretary of the Republic of Pisa.His father be also a customs officer for the North African city of Bugia. Some time after 1192. Bonacci brought his son with him to Bugia.Guilielmo looked-for for Leonardo to become a merchant and so arranged for his instruction in calculational technique, escpecially those involving the Hindu - Arabic numerals which had not even so been introduced into Europe.Since Fibonacci be the son of a merchant, he was competent go travel freely adjectives over the Byzantine Empire. Merchants at the time were immuned, so they be allowed to move about freely. This allowed him to call round many of the area's centers of trade. While he be there, he be able to swot both the mathematics of the scholar and the calculating schemes within popular use, at the time.
no such person.its leonardo fibonacci is a ancient cenutury mathematician know for the "fibbonacci sequence" .google it
my god only just type it in yahoo

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